सोमवार, २७ एप्रिल, २०१५

Resume as 27.4.15

Dr. Varadraj B. Bapat               
M.Com., FCA, DISA, Ph.D.  

Faculty in Accouting and Finance

Ph: +91-22-2542 1332 / 25767787/ 9892413119
E-mail: varadraj@som.iitb.ac.in, varadrajb@gmail.com
Teaching Interests
Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Indian Economic and Business Model
Research Interests
Financial Accounting, Financial Inclusion, Bankruptcy Prediction, Corporate Governance, Portfolio Management, Corporate Finance
·         Ph.D. in Management (Finance), Shailesh J. Mehta School of Management, IIT Bombay
·         Post-Qualification Diploma in Information Systems Audit, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi
·         Fellow, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi
·         Final Examination of Chartered Accountancy, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi
·         Final Examination of Cost Accountancy, Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India, Calcutta
·         Master of Commerce, University of Pune, Pune
Awards and Honours
Ø  Secured 22nd All India Rank in C.A. final examination in May 1995.
Ø  Secured 47th All India Rank in C.A. intermediate examination in November 1993.

Teaching Experience
Faculty in Accounting and Finance,                                         July 2008 to date
Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai
Faculty in Accounting and Finance,                                             June 2007 to June 2008
National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai
Vice-principal/ Lecturer                                                              Aug 1996 to May 2007
S. K. Somaiya College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Vidyavihar, Mumbai

Management Accounting Course (Financial + Cost Accounting) is available as both video and web course. The lecture videos, notes, problems, solution are freely downloadable.

Research Projects
·         Financial Inclusion - Status and its Impact on Human Development: A Special Focus on North East India”
·         Publications
  • Textbooks
Financial Accounting-A Managerial Perspective, Tata McGrawHills Publishing, Delhi. (ISBN 978-12-59004889)
Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management, Sheth Publishers, Mumbai
  • Research papers published
  • Research Output (papers in last 3 yrs)
  • Bankruptcy Prediction (3), Accounting Standards (2), Financial Inclusion (2), Portfolio Management (2) and Corporate Governance (1) = Total Listed in ABDC (10)
·         Raithatha Mehul and Bapat Varadraj (2015), " Impact of Corporate Governance on Financial Disclosures: Evidence from India”, Corporate Ownership and Control. (Rated as “B” as per Australian Business Dean Council (ABDC))
·         Raithatha Mehul and Bapat Varadraj (2014), " Ranking of Mutual Fund Performance: Comparison of Various Measures”, The Journal, Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review. (Rated as “B” as per Australian Business Dean Council (ABDC)).
·         Raithatha Mehul and Bapat Varadraj (2014), " Accounting Standards Compliance: Comparison between Manufacturing and Service Companies”, International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol 6, No. 9, 158-164. (Rated as “C” as per Australian Business Dean Council (ABDC)).
·         Bapat, V. and Nagale, A. (2014), Bankruptcy Prediction of Indian Listed Companies Using Discriminant Analysis, Logistic Regression and Neural Network. Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review (Ranked “B” by Australian Business Deans Council) 
·         Bapat, V. and Nagale, A. (2014), “Comparison of Bankruptcy Prediction Models: Evidence from India”,  Accounting and Finance Research, Vol. 3 No. 4, pp. 91-98 (Ranked “C” by Australian Business Deans Council) (http://www.sciedu.ca/journal/index.php/afr/article/view/5743/3400)
·         Bapat, V. and Nagale, A.  (2014), An Empirical Analysis of Altman’s and Ohlson’s Model. The Empirical Economic Letters (Ranked “C” by Australian Business Deans Council) 
·         Bapat, V. and Nagale, A. (2013), Comparison of Financial Statements prepared as per International Financial Reporting Standards and Indian GAAP, The Chartered Accountant Journal, 61(9), 1406-1411.
·         Raithatha Mehul and Bapat Varadraj (2013), "A Panel Data Analysis of Corporate Attributes and Stock Prices for Indian Manufacturing Sector”, Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing. (ISSN: 15486583). (Rated as “C” as per Australian Business Dean Council (ABDC)) (http://www.davidpublishing.com/journals_info.asp?jId=1781)
·         Raithatha Mehul and Bapat Varadraj (2013), " Corporate Disclosures in Financial Statements and its Determinants: An Empirical Study”, The journal, Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review,Vol 9,No 2, Aug 2013. (ISSN is 1813-0534). (Rated as “B” as per Australian Business Dean Council (ABDC))
·         Bhanot, D. , Bapat, V. (2013), Sustainability Index of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and Contributory Factors, International Journal of Social Economics (Accepted on March 22nd,2014) (Rated as “B” as per Australian Business Dean Council (ABDC))
·         Raithatha Mehul and Bapat Varadraj (2012), "Corporate Governance Compliance Practices of Indian Companies", Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol 3, No 8, 2012. (ISSN 2222-1697 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2847 (Online)) (IC Impact factor 6.26)
·         Bapat Varadraj and Raithatha Mehul (2012), "Off Balance Sheet Disclosures: A Comparison between Indian and US Companies", Indian Journal of Finance, May. (ISSN 0973-8711) (IC Impact factor 5.09)
·         Disha Bhanot, Varadraj Bapat, Sasadhar Bera, (2012) "Studying financial inclusion in north-east India", International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 30 Iss: 6, pp.465 - 484 (ISSN: 0265-2323). (Rated as “C” as per Australian Business Dean Council (ABDC))
·         Bapat Varadraj and Raithatha Mehul (2010), "An Empirical Study of Disclosure Practices in Listed Non-Financial Indian Companies", Prabandhan- Indian Journal of Management, June. (ISSN 0975-2854) (IC Impact factor 5.09)
·         Bapat Varadraj and Raithatha Mehul (2010), “Corporate Transparency through Implementation of Indian Accounting Standards”, International Journal of Management Prudence, March.( ISSN: 0975-6671)
·         Bapat Varadraj and Raithatha Mehul (2010), "Corporate Governance Models and Practices: An International Cross Cultural Comparison," IMS  Management  Journal, January (ISSN- 0975-0800)
Research guidance

Doctoral research guidance
Thesis topic
Mehul Raithatha
Financial Reporting by Indian Companies: Disclosures required by Accounting Standards
Disha Bhanot
Financial Inclusion in India: A Study on Sustainability of Self Help Group (SHG) Bank Linkage Programme
Abhay Nagale
A Cross Model Study of Bankruptcy
Mousami Prasad
Assessment of Corporate Environmental Sustainability in Indian Context
Sundar Sankaran
Indian Mutual Funds: Unravelling the Under-achievement
Ajinkya Navare
Ethics and Management Education

Masters’ research guidance
Thesis topic
Developing Credit Rating Model
Feasibility of Social Capitalistic Models on Indian Infrastructure Projects
Disclosures by Banking Companies
India Equity Mutual Fund: Performance Evaluation
Corporate Disclosures GAAP in India and Canada
Performance of Close and Open-ended Funds
A study of Efficiency and Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions
A study of Cost structure of Educational Institutions

Proposed Areas:
1.    Ethical funds particularly Hindu Fund
2.    Indian Business Model
3.    Indian Economic Model
4.    Spirituality and Management

Visit to Cornell University, U.S.A under Exchange Programme

Visited Cornell University, U.S.A. on an invitation from Parker Centre for Investment Research, Johnson School of Management, Cornell University, New York, U.S.A. (Spring Semester 2004)

Presented papers at various National and International Conferences

Speaker for lectures/ interviews on TV channels and various other forums
Conducted various corporate training programs/ MDPs for several leading companies/ Government organisations, NGOs. Topics include Finance for Non Finance Executives, Indian Economy, Understanding Self, How to achieve health and wealth, Corporate Governanace, Demographic Dividend
Social Interests
Keen Interest in educational/ social activities, Sanskrit, Yoga and spirituality