शनिवार, ३१ डिसेंबर, २०२२

Decline of Buddhism in India

The decline of Buddhism in India comes from a combination of factors. Part of it is from Hindu saints such as Adi Shankara, Ramanuja, and Madhva, who brought Satya (truth) to the masses, introduced new innovative ways to propagate Sanatana Hindu Dharma, and bridged the gap between Bouddha and Hindu traditions. Philosophical seekers were convinced by the truth presented in Vedanta (more than Bouddha principles). Ordinary followers were more attracted to the devotional aspect of the Hindu spread by the folks above along with people like Haridas.

Buddhism declined but still survived. (as there were no violent attacks on Monks or destruction of Buddhist centers).

But, a more significant part of the decline is attributed to the Islamic invasion that destroyed key Buddhist centers such as the Nalanda.

While both Sanatana Hindu Dharma and Buddhism faced the invasion, the impact was different:

1.     Buddhism is a more centralized religion requiring royal patronage of Maths (monasteries)/ Mandirs(temples). Buddhism suffered heavily when the invading Muslim kings stopped the royal patronage of the monasteries and the monks. Hindu Dharma is very decentralized and didn’t depend as much on their temples or monasteries for survival.

2.     Buddhism was dominant more in the urban areas and these were the ones that bore the brunt of the invasion. Hindu Dharma withdrew from urban areas, moved to rural/ forests, and kept the faith hidden around the animist traditions, only to be brought out in the past couple of centuries.

3.  Hindu Dharma built elaborate defenses by engaging the families. For instance, many Hindu families are assigned a remote temple as their “Kula devata” (family god). This place is often far from their own village. The family guards and provides for its welfare. Most of the traditions and practices (Paramparas/ Kuldharmas) were continued by families. Islamic invaders destroyed Mandirs and killed many kings and saints, but it was difficult to kill/ convert the entire population by force.

4.     Hindu Dharma was far more flexible and adaptive. It can quickly absorb a new idea, get camouflaged, and then move out of it at a suitable later date.

In short, Buddhism’s primary decline is due to the Islamic invasion that Hinduism survived.