बुधवार, १७ फेब्रुवारी, २०१६

Islamism and Left wing: Strong Similarities

Atrocious Islamism and Left wing have many common points.
1. The holy book is supreme, and Freedom of though is not tolerated.
2. Freedom of Expression is unacceptable.
3. Dictatorship is vital to implement laws (or the proletariat’s interests) to the fore. Enforcement is by brutal force.
4. They believe in totalitarianism where power has to be grabbed and non-believers (whether from other religions or class collaborators) have to be subjugated and killed.
5. Human life has no value. It is fully justified to persecute, torment, massacre, slaughter; others and non-followers within.
6. Fiendish Islamism have destroyed several faiths, races and cultures in Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt and so on. Extreme barbaric behaviour and genocide were practiced by the Left in Russia and China, and both Stalin and Mao are heroes to the Indian Left.

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